Grazie a Mark Ferguson per questo bellissimo articolo.

Will Real Estate Agents be Replaced by Websites Like Zillow?

I hear all the time how websites like Zillow and Trulia are going to replace the real estate agent, much like the travel agent was replaced by online travel sites. I see posts on forums or get emails explaining why real estate agents are paid too much and the industry must change or technology will destroy it. While it is true that technology has made the house buying and selling process easier, I don’t think people realize how valuable real estate agents are. The biggest value a real estate agent brings is not the hours they spend taking pictures, marketing a home or writing contracts. The real estate agents biggest value is experience pricing homes, negotiating and getting their buyer or seller the best deal possible. The tricky part about real estate is every single house is different. The more experience someone has the better they can value, market and negotiate, which online sites do not do well.

How are online real estate sites changing the real estate industry?

Many people use Zillow,, Redfin, Trulia and other national websites to value their homes, find listings and get real estate related information. These sites have made it much easier for consumers to find homes for sale and figure out the value of their home. Many people feel that the sites can easily replace real estate agents, because consumers no longer have to rely on a real estate agent to list their home for sale, market it or find a home for them. While the general public can use these sites to find homes for sale, value homes and market houses, that does not mean it is a smart move.
There is a lot that goes into buying and selling houses besides determining the value and finding homes for sale. Real estate agents handle the contracts, paperwork, marketing, negotiating and showings. One more thing to consider is that the large sites may offer values and home listings, but that does not mean their values are correct or they are showing all of the homes for sale.

How accurate and encompassing is the information on Zillow and other major real estate syndicates?

The large, national websites that list houses for sale are using syndication to bring those listings to the general public. Zillow does not own that information and it is not public, because the pictures and listing descriptions are copyrighted material. Many people do not realize that by using only those sites for their real estate information, they are not getting the full picture. Here are some issues with the national websites and the data they deliver.
  • The national websites that use syndication are not showing you every house for sale in the MLS. Many people do not know this, but Zillow and other sites have to get permission from Realtor’s and MLS systems to market those properties. While it appears Zillow has all the houses for sale on their site, agents and MLS systems do not all agree to list their properties on Zillow. Here is a great article that describes how the syndication process works and how some offices and MLS systems are not allowing Zillow and other sites to use their MLS data.
  • The national syndication sites also do not update their information as quickly as the MLS does. Information on Zillow can be days behind on price changes, houses going under contract and new listings. We get calls from buyers asking about listings on Zillow that they think are available that are actually under contract all the time.
  • The agent listed on the properties on the national sites are not always the listing agents. Many of the sites that list properties that are for sale also show real estate agent information along with those properties. While it may appear that the agent listed is the listing agent, most of those agents pay to be listed on the website and have no affiliation with that property.
  • The values given by Zillow and other sites can be extremely inaccurate. Prices can easily be 20 percent higher or lower than the actual value and many consumers assume the value estimates are accurate. Pricing your home too high or too low can cause the seller to lose a lot of money. In most cases pricing your home wrong will cost you much more than the real estate commission you were trying to save. Here is a great article on how inaccurate Zillow prices can be.
If you are using large syndication websites to look for houses you are most likely missing out on listings that are for sale, but not on those sites. You are also getting out-dated information and inaccurate property values.

Why do people think that real estate agents will become obsolete?

Zillow and other sites have stated they have no interest in becoming a real estate brokerage. However, there is still a large portion of people who feel the sites will become real estate listing services where sellers can list their homes for sale and buyers can purchase them. They feel that real estate agents will have to drastically reduce the commissions they charge or else consumers will sell houses themselves and leave agents out of the business. Here is why I think that will not happen and the system will not change much in the near future.
  • We know how inaccurate computer generated values can be. All real estate is different and part of a real estate agent’s value is knowing how to price homes correctly. Price a house too low and you leave thousands on the table. Price a home too high and it will sit on the market and cost the seller thousands as well, because the listing becomes stagnant. Statistics from NAR show for sale by owner homes sell for much less and take much longer to sell than houses listed by a real estate agent. FSBOs accounted for 8% of home sales in 2014. The typical FSBO home sold for $210,000 compared to $249,000 for agent-assisted home sales. These statistics include home owners who used the MLS and online marketing to advertise their home for sale by owner.
  • If you use a website like Zillow to sell your house you have to handle all the tasks associated with selling the house still:
    • showings
    • paperwork
    • negotiation
    • finding a title company
    • marketing
  • One of the biggest factors, is that real estate agents usually do not charge the buyer anything. The seller of the house pays for both the listing agent and the buyer’s agent commission. Why in the world would a buyer not use an agent if it costs them nothing? When a seller tries to sell their home without an agent they are stuck without representation, while the buyer will have representation. If they don’t want to pay for the buyer’s agent they will severely limit the amount of buyers who will look at their home and cost themselves money. If they pay for the buyer’s agent, pay for the marketing and consider all the time they have to spend to digest contracts and set up showings, they aren’t even saving any money. That does not take into consideration the buyer’s agent has a professional working on their side who is better at negotiating and experienced selling houses. This is why for sale by owner houses sell for so much less than regular listings.
  • While there are real estate agents who are charging low fees to clients to simply list their home on the MLS, they still run into all of the same problems without agent representation. If you get into legal trouble are you going to hire the cheapest lawyer you can find because they are all the same? No you hire the best lawyer you can afford. If you are selling the most valuable thing you will ever own (a house), do you want to try to sell it yourself or use the cheapest real estate agent you can find? No you want to use the best agent you can afford so that you get the most money for your house.

Why can’t sellers use an appraisal to value their home and save money on real estate commissions?

I also hear the argument that a real estate appraiser can be used to value a home instead of the real estate agent. It is true that real estate appraisers value homes, but the main objective of an appraisal is to verify value, not determine value. Banks use appraisals to verify that the price they are lending on is what the home is actually worth.
After the last housing crisis the entire appraisal system was changed to stop inflated and fraudulent appraisals. This has made appraiser very wary of appraising houses too high. This is why when you get an appraisal on a house you are buying, no matter how good of a deal it is, the appraisal will almost always come in right at or slightly above the contract price. When you refinance a house, you will also find appraisals tend to come in lower than market value, because the appraisers are being careful not to come in too high and risk being investigated.
Appraisers also do not use active comparable properties to value homes, they only use sold comparable properties. By definition the appraisers are not supposed to value homes higher than comparable sold properties, even in a very hot market. If an appraiser runs into a property with very few sold properties to compare it to, the appraiser can have a very hard time valuing the property. Many times we have appraisers asking us for comparable properties and ideas how to value the property. A real estate agent actually has more flexibility when valuing properties and can use active comparable properties and market trends to more accurately value homes.

Will the real estate sales industry evolve in the future?

I do believe the real estate industry will evolve and agents will have to change with it. Real estate agents will have to become more tech savvy, they will have to learn to use syndication websites and explain their benefits and downfalls, and they will have to be able to explain their value. I hear stories from sellers all the time about how they sold their house for sale by owner in one day and saved $6,000 in real estate agent commissions. If you sold your house in one day, you probably under priced it and cost yourself at least $10,000.
That is what all this comes down to. If you sell a house yourself without an agent using one of the large syndication websites, or paying a low fee to put your house in MLS, is it really saving you money? On the surface it may look like you are saving a commission, but in reality you are most likely leaving money on the table by not valuing your home correctly or knowing how to negotiate. On top of that, you have to figure out the contracts, marketing, showings all yourself. I think most people realize the benefits of listing houses themselves is not worth the time, effort or possible loss of money and that is why the real estate sales industry has not changed very much.
Other industries that have changed a lot, like travel agents, stock brokers and even car dealerships have changed because almost anyone can look up the value of those goods or commodities and be fairly certain what the market value is. Because every piece of real estate is different, it is much harder to value and not valuing a property correctly can be a huge mistake.

Sephora arriva sulla Lincoln Road

Sephora ha firmato un contratto di affitto al numero 818 di Lincoln Road, ed andra' a rimpiazzare la galleria di Britto.
L'esistente galleria di Britto verra' completamente demolita e sostituita con una struttura di 1500 metri quadrati che rispecchiera' le fattezze del palazzo storico che si erigeva una volta in questo luogo.  
New Lincoln Road facade:
New Lincoln Lane facade:
Original 1935 Pancoast:

I 10 migliori ristoranti a Miami


Dove andare a mangiare a Miami?

Ti serve qualche consiglio su dove andare a mangiare fuori a Miami? 
L’Italian District ha preparato per te un elenco dei migliori ristoranti a Miami. 
Dalla cucina italiana a quella giapponese, a Miami potrai trovare ristoranti di tutti i tipi. 
Cosa aspetti? Scoprili tutti!
Quali sono i migliori ristoranti di Miami?

1 – Juvia

1. juvia-miami

Juvia è uno dei ristoranti più rinomati di Miami Beach che va molto di moda tra i giovani e 
non solo! Offre una splendida vista sulla spiaggia e su Lincoln Road.
La cucina è prevalentemente a base di pesce. I crudi sono ottimi, dalla ceviche alle 
ostriche al carpaccio. Prova anche il sashimi di tonno e le capesante, che sono una delizia per 
il palato. 
Un altro piatto da provare è il risotto con granchio e asparagi, che ti farà leccare i baffi.
Juvia è anche ottimo per andare a bere qualcosa. Per rimanere in tinta con le decorazioni, 
consigliamo il Purple Rain, a base di Vodka, con mais peruviano e limone.
lien vers site internet 1111 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, FL 33139

2 – Mr Chow

2. mr-chow-miami

Aperto Agosto of 2009 nel “W” Hotel a South Beach, Mr Chow ti stupirà con le sue 
ricette originali e creative. La sala da pranzo è decorata con oro e candelabri di cristalli 
Swarovski progettati dal designer Michael Chow. Situato proprio sulla spiaggia, il ristorante 
ha uno spazio per mangiare all’aperto e un bar e lounge all’interno.
Il menu di Mr Chow è una combinazione tra l’autentica cucina di Pechino e ricette originali. 
Dal Chicken Satay ai Mr Chow Noodles & Ma Mignon, tutto viene preparato dallo Chef Fung, 
nato ad Hong Kong, che ha iniziato la sua carriera culinaria nel 1977. Ha lavorato anche da 
Mr Chow a Kyoto nel 1988 e presso altri rinomati ristoranti nelle Filippine e a Dubai.
lien vers site internet W Hotel, 2201 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Telephone +1 305-695-1695

3 – Cecconi

3. cecconi-miami

Situato nel giardino del Soho Beach House, Cecconi è un ristorante italiano moderno 
nato a Venezia, che serve pasta fatta in casa, cucina a base di pesce e piatti tipici del nord 
Italia, preparati utilizzando gli ingredienti più freschi e raffinati. Il ristorante Cecconi è 
presente anche a Londra, Hollywood e a Istanbul.
Tra le sue specialità, potrai provare gli gnocchi romana con gorgonzola o la pizza con 
tartufo nero e formaggio di capra e molto altro. Il tutto accompagnato da una vasta 
selezione di vini italiani
dalla falanghina al Barolo.
lien vers site internet Soho Beach House, 4385 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33140
Telephone +1-786-507-7902

4 – Katsuya

4. katsuya-miami

Il ristorante Katsuya offre un’innovativa combinazione di cucina giapponese e californiana
Creazioni originali come riso croccante con tonno picante e lo strepitoso cocktail 
burning mandarin delizieranno il tuo palato. Il ristorante Katsuya è presente anche a 
Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Kuwait e Dubai.
Lo Chef Katsuya Uechi, nato in Giappone, vanta un’esperienza culinaria di oltre tre decenni. 
Famoso per il suo stile distintivo e per il suo sushi di alto livello, Uechi è considerato uno dei 
maggiori esperti della cucina giapponese ed è stato recentemente nominato lo 
“Chef of the Year” dalla rivista Angeleno.
lien vers site internet 1701 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Telephone +1 305-455-2995

5 – Prime 112

5. prime-112-miami

Prime 112 è uno steakhouse famoso per la sua carne di alta qualità, ma anche per la 
sua aragosta con tartufo.
Il menu di alta classe si fonde perfettamente con l’arredamento di lusso e l’atmosfera 
all’ultima moda. Tutti gli ingredienti sono freschissimi per deliziare anche i palati più raffinati.
lien vers site internet  112 Ocean Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Telephone  +1 305-577-0277

6 – Milos

6 milos-miami

Noto per essere uno dei ristoranti mediterranei di pesce migliori al mondo, Milos è stato 
fondato dallo chef Costas Spiliadis, che lo ha reso una destinazione culinaria irrinunciabile 
non solo a Miami, ma anche a Montreal, New York, Athens, Las Vegas e Londra.
Da Milos, potrai creare il tuo menu personalizzato, con portate a base di pesce freschissimo
Ce n’è per tutti i gusti: pesce alla griglia, fritto, sashimi o tartare, ma anche 
kakavia o achnisto. Tra i piatti più famosi, prova il polpo mediterraneo alla griglia, 
i calamari fritti e le torte di granchio.
lien vers site internet 730 1st Street, Miami
Telephone +1 305-604-6800

7 – Casa Tua

7. casa-tua-miami

Casa Tua ti offrirà un’esperienza culinaria unica che coinvolgerà tutti e 5 i sensi. 
All’interno di una villa Mediterranea o nel suo giardino esterno, gli ospiti proveranno i 
sapori unici della cucina del nord Italia, abbinati a vino raffinato e all’arte. 
Il tutto in un ambiente accogliente dove si sentiranno come a casa di un caro amico.
Tra i primi piatti, potrai provare le fettuccine ai fughi con Burgundy, tartufo nero e 
parmigiano oppure i tagliolini con panna e caviale. Dopodiché, potrai scegliere secondi 
a base di pesce come il salmone alla griglia accompagnato da quinoa organico e insalata 
oppure a base di carne, come l’agnello con lenticchie e purea di castagne. 
Per finire, potrai concederti un buon tiramisuo a crostata di fragole con 
gelato al mascarpone.
lien vers site internet 1700 James Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Telephone +1 305-673-1010
lien vers site internet

8 – Puntino

8. puntino-key-biscayne

Fondato da un imprenditore napoletano, il ristorante Puntino a Key Biscayne combina lo stile 
metropolitano di Miami con l’atmosfera amichevole tipica di Napoli offrendo piatti della 
cucina italiana di eccellente qualità preparati da un cuoco italiano.
Da Puntino potrai provare i piatti tradizionali della cucina italiana, dal vitello tonnato alla 
lasagna dello chef, ma anche tagliata di tono oppure il pollo al marsala. E naturalmente, non 
manca la pizza napoletana! Per finire, potrai leccarti i baffi con i buonissimi dolci, dalla torta 
caprese al limone ai cannoli siciliani.
lien vers site internet 260 Crandon Blvd, Key Biscayne, FL 33149
Telephone +1 (305)-361-6252

9 – Cipriani

9. cipriani-miami

Nel 1931, Giuseppe Cipriani ha aperto Harry’s Bar in Piazza San Marco a Venezia, per offrire 
un’esperienza di lusso alle persone di tutto il mondo. Da allora, Quattro generazioni di Cipriani 
hanno trasformato un ristorante in un brand famoso in tutto il mondo per la sua cucina italiana 
e il suo stile inconfondibile.
Tra i primi piatti, potrai provare i paccheri alla Sorrentina o il risotto Primavera, per poi 
proseguire la tua cena con un piatto a base di carne come la tagliata di manzo, o di pesce, 
come gli scampi al forno. Infine, lasciati tentare dalla torta millefoglie alle fragole.
lien vers site internet 465 Brickell Ave, Miami, FL 33131
Telephone +1 (786) 329-4090

10 – Zuma

10. zuma-miami

Il ristorante Zuma, situato nel cuore di downtown Miami, ha portato in America lo stile 
moderno della cucina giapponese dello chef Rainer Becker.
Già noto a Hong Kong, Istanbul, Dubai e Bangkok, Zuma offre un’esperienza culinaria 
sofisticata con i suoi piatti giapponesi in stile moderno in un ambiente amichevole.
Il menu è molto ricco e offre piatti di tutti i tipi, dai piatti freddi come il carpaccio alla 
tempura, oltre ai sushi roll e al sashimi.
lien vers site internet Epic hotel, 270 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
Telephone +1 305 577 0277
